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California Jobs & The Economy: Global Trade & Logistics

International trade is a major economic driver for the state of California. In 2012, California exports amounted to more than $161 billion, which is about 11% of total U.S. exports. According to the California Chamber of Commerce, our state’s trade and exports translate into high-paying jobs for more than 1 million Californians.

Small business is specifically identified as having increased export potential for the state in many sectors including manufacturing, professional services, agriculture, wood products, and others.

As supply chain technologies advance, additional job opportunities are created to meet demands for increased efficiency and productivity across the industries involved in international trade in California.

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What Is The Outlook For US Forestry and Wood Products?

As global markets expand and new interests for wood and wood pulp products become available, global consumer trends are changing U.S. lumber and wood products exports. Pulp, paper, biomass energies, sawn softwood and hardwoods are increasing global opportunities for export into new markets.

The Asia market, particularly China, has expanded due to increased housing and other construction projects. Additionally, China has begun to invest in foreign forest resources, a trend expected to continue. South Korea and India are also expected to increase demand for lumber and wood products.From a substitution for plastic packaging to bulk fuel, from thermally modified wood to cross-laminated timber, global demand is changing the way the U.S. lumber industry is providing products to consumers around the world.

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 What Does It Take To Build A Globally Engaged Community?

Many metropolitan areas, including Redding, are potentially well-suited to better position themselves for greater global fluency, increasing exports and expanding local economies in the process.

But what does it take to move from a few businesses involved individually in global trade to a robust community actively engaged in global commerce and building the local economy through actively pursuing new markets and opportunities overseas? Obviously, strong leadership is key along with the commitment and long term vision necessary to see the challenges and opportunities up ahead. Additionally, building access to the support mechanisms that can help businesses succeed. Also on the list, education that creates an adaptive workforce supplying the skills necessary for the growing needs of a globally engaged community.

Read on to find out important recommendations plus strategies that other communities are beginning to put into place to enter the global stage.

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